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Holiday trip to Boseong with the whole family

Enjoy the Lunar New Year holidays a hundred times, and there is nothing better than this to ¡®take away the stress¡¯ of the holidays!¡¦ How about here this winter? Healing and recreation Boseong is on the rise!

(Boseong = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = Ahead of the Lunar New Year, a national holiday, Boseong-gun, Jeollanam-do is busy preparing to welcome returning guests. The streets in the village are cleaned, and compassionate hands are overflowing to neighbors in need. During the Lunar New Year holiday, why not leave your tiring daily life behind for a while and enjoy a lively New Year by traveling to every corner of your hometown with your family?

¡ã Open-air seawater bathing while looking at the beautiful Yulpo Beach

If you are traveling with a large family, including children and parents, we recommend ¡®Yulpo Seawater Green Tea Center¡¯. Yulpo Seawater Green Tea Center, which is emerging as a national spa attraction, was listed as a wellness tourist destination selected by the Korea Tourism Organization and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and was also included in the ¡®7 Unique Spas¡¯ list.

The Yulpo Seawater Green Tea Center, with its tea and ocean scents, has abundant seawater gushing out from 120 meters underground. This is a unique bathhouse where you can enjoy a health bath using seawater and green tea.

The first floor has an exhibition space for local artists, a specialty product store, and a cafe, the second floor has a bathhouse for men and women, and the third floor has spa facilities, including an outdoor bath.

In particular, the outdoor bath on the third floor is twice as attractive when visited in winter. As you soak in the hot sea water while looking at the open Yulpo Beach, the fatigue and stress accumulated during the holidays will melt away like snow.

In addition to the hot tub, the open-air bath also has a footbath and a children's bath, so it's a great place to sit around with family and chat. In addition, there are saunas with various themes, such as a red clay room and a stone therapy room.

The bathing fee is 8,000 won for adults and 6,000 won for children and seniors, and groups can use it for 7,000 won for adults and 5,000 won for children. To use the outdoor facilities on the 3rd floor, you must have special clothing (rental fee of 3,000 won). If you bring your own clothing, you can use the outdoor facilities by paying only the bathing fee.

¡ã If you come to Boseong, you should not miss Daehan Tea Garden, a scenery that was also highly praised by CNN.

When talking about Boseong, one thing that cannot be left out is green tea. Boseong is the largest tea producing area in the country and the capital of green tea in Korea. The green tea fields all year round capture people's attention and make them intoxicated with their scent.

The straight path through the cedar forest brings coolness to the heart. The cedar trees stretch high into the sky and look as if they have grown taller, facing the sky in a majestic manner. As you walk along the road, you will see green tea fields.

The large-scale organic tea fields built around Boseong-eup and Hoecheon-myeon are where the warm sea breeze blowing from Deukryang Bay and the cold mountain air blowing in from 460m above sea level meet, and early morning fog stays for a long time.

The tea fields are perfect in the spring and summer when they show off the fresh green, and in the fall, they are great as Autumn, and in the winter as Winter. It offers romance at any time of the year, any time of the year.

Additionally, Boseong Tea Plantation was featured in the ¡®31 Most Amazingly Beautiful Landscapes in the World¡¯ selected by CNN in the United States. Following the road between the tea fields to the tea field observatory and the ocean observatory, the higher you go, the more breathtaking the scenery is. When you climb up to the ocean observatory, the dazzling scenery of Deukryang Bay beyond the tea fields is spectacular.

In this way, Boseong Tea Field, where nature, ecology, and culture come together, shows the characteristics of the four seasons and can be said to be the only unrivaled tourist destination in Korea where you can enjoy the pure, unprocessed flavor of nature.

¡ã Recharge the clean air filled with phytoncide in a recreational forest with nature

If you are tired of the gray city life, let's go on a walking trip (trekking) to the green Jeam Mountain Natural Recreation Forest. It is also perfect for lightening a heavy body as a holiday food. Jeam Mountain Natural Recreation Forest was selected as a ¡®Star of Korea Tourism¡¯ and is gaining national fame as a wellness tourist destination and the only ¡®Unique Venue¡¯ in Jeollanam-do.

In particular, Jeam Mountain Natural Recreation Forest's barrier-free Deoneum-gil (5.8 km) has all courses on a flat deck path, making it great for walking with children, and is also easily accessible by wheelchairs and strollers. Anyone can walk comfortably in a one-hour course, and while looking at the cypress forest that is green all year round, you can fill your accumulated stress with refreshing green energy.

Jeam Mountain Natural Recreation Forest, nicknamed ¡®Play Forest¡¯, has a twist. It is an eco-adventure facility that adults enjoy more than children. You can have a lively forest experience by using the thrilling ¡®adventure facility¡¯ and the ¡®exclusive zip line¡¯ where you can feel the thrill of nature.

The ¡®Bear Sled¡¯ is 15m high at the starting point and 238m long in total. Many visitors come to experience the experience as they can enjoy the view of the lake from a high place while feeling nature while riding the sled down. Children aged 4 to 5 also travel with their parents, making it a popular choice for family travelers.

¡ã Enjoy a retro 7080 nostalgic trip on foot, to Obongsan Mountain trail.

If you have to travel with children, let's go to Deukryang, a place that stimulates old-fashioned sensibilities. Along the main road of Deukryang right in front of Deukryang Station, you can enjoy the streets that stimulate various memories, such as stationery stores, radio shops, coffee shops, and clothing stores.

You can enjoy games on an old arcade or even try making dalgona. At the coffee shop, let¡¯s reminisce while drinking traditional teas such as Ssanghwacha and plum tea. At the costume rental shop, you can take pictures wearing school uniforms.

If you have enjoyed the 7080 Street of Memories in front of Deukryang Station, let¡¯s take a look around Obongsan Mountain.

Boseong-gun completed the ¡®Obongsan Ecological Trail Construction Project¡¯ in September 2021. This project, with a total project cost of 1.7 billion won, has created a total of 5.8km of ecological and cultural trails, including Oxgeodeum-gil, Kalbawi-gil, Waterside Trail, Yongchugol-gil, and Gudeuldoldam-gil.

¡®Oxox Step Trail¡¯ is a path where you can feel the joys and sorrows of the people of Boseong County who woke up at the dawn of the moon and dragged ox carts up and down the steep mountain path until the sun set during the period when the Gudeuljang business was active. You can walk up and down the mountain path shaped like the letter ñý (ñý), which used to be carried up and down on an ox cart.

¡®Kalbawi Road¡¯ features ¡®Kalbawi Rock,¡¯ the representative symbol of Obongsan Mountain. You can admire sculptures such as the wind hole work that allows you to feel the cool breeze in the summer and the warm breeze in the winter, as well as the stone pagoda made of gudeuljang, and take special commemorative photos given by nature. Around the hiking trail, the Gudeuljang harvesting site, stone pagodas, and Gudeuljang paths are endlessly connected, creating a spectacular sight.

The 232,000§³ ¡®Waterside Walking Path¡¯ has a deck path where you can walk along the wide Haepyeong Lake of Obongsan Mountain and a yellow clay path with bare feet. There are a variety of tree species along the trail, including wild cherry trees, cedar trees, cypress trees, bamboo, mountain bamboo, maple trees, heirloom trees, and ginger trees. Wildflowers bloom here and there, so you can heal your body and mind while walking comfortably.

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