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Gwangju Mayor Kang Ki-jeong ¡°Gwangju, a city of opportunity, guarantees the specifications of start-ups with technology¡±

¡®We will lend you Gwangju¡¯ Mayor Kang goes to a demonstration site for startup companies in the city center, and holds a ¡®policy picnic¡¯ at the demonstration site¡¦ Direct experience with cutting-edge Ssangam¡¯s ¡®self-driving water boat¡¯ and on-site listening to test beds around the city, including ¡®company difficulties and citizen reactions¡¯

(Gwangju = Break News) Reporter Hak-soo Lee = Gwangju Mayor Kang Ki-jeong, who is focusing on the people's livelihood economy in the new year, rushed to the demonstration sites of start-up companies throughout downtown Gwangju.

Mayor Kang has been meeting with local business leaders every day since the beginning of the new year, and on the 17th, he held a 'policy picnic' at the product demonstration site of startup companies, including the high-tech Ssangamje.

Gwangju City has provided downtown Gwangju as a demonstration space to start-ups that have been developing products using innovative technologies since last year but are having difficulty commercializing and developing sales channels due to not being able to secure empirical data, and support the costs required for demonstration to increase corporate competitiveness. there is.

This reflects Mayor Kang¡¯s will to realize ¡®Gwangju, a city of opportunity with a high startup success rate and better for business,¡¯ through an empirical support project to build ¡®corporate specifications¡¯, a track record.

To date, 20 companies are demonstrating and 16 are preparing. This year, we plan to recruit 44 additional companies and conduct verification.

Mayor Kang visited the product demonstration site for startup companies this afternoon to see how innovative technologies are implemented in the city, and visited five locations, including the demonstration site located in Gwangsan-gu, to empower startup companies.

Mayor Kang carefully looked at the technological capabilities of start-up products and citizen reactions at the demonstration site, and sought various directions that could be helpful to the lives of citizens as well as companies.

First, Mayor Kang visited the state-of-the-art Ssangamje and personally experienced the 'self-driving water healing boat', which citizens began experiencing on the same day, as well as the 'reservoir water quality and odor real-time monitoring system' and the 'Internet of Things (IoT)-based automatic lifesaving boat management system'. I looked at my back.

Mayor Kang later inspected the ¡®Stress Shower Room¡¯ product being tested at the Cheomdan Social Welfare Center in Gwangsan-gu and the ¡®Bus Stop Passenger Presence Display Device¡¯ being tested at a bus stop in Sinchang-dong.

CEO Lee Chang-ju, who is demonstrating the 'bus stop occupant presence display device' product, said, "Thanks to Gwangju City's corporate verification policy, we had the opportunity to demonstrate the product we developed." He added, "During this demonstration, we conducted surveys of passengers and bus drivers to improve our technology. Trying to raise it. Companies grow by accumulating empirical data and developing sales channels. ¡°I hope that Gwangju City will continue to provide active policy support,¡± he said.

Gwangju Mayor Kang Ki-jeong said, ¡°We looked at startup product demonstration sites throughout Gwangju, including safety, environment, and transportation. ¡°What Gwangju City can do for start-up companies is to turn every corner of the city into a field of demonstration, and help companies grow by ensuring the specifications of technologically advanced companies,¡± he said. ¡°We will continue to promote innovative technologies and ideas through ¡®Gwangju, a Demonstration Opportunity City.¡¯¡± ¡°We will ensure that our startups succeed and that this success brightens the tomorrow of our citizens,¡± he said.

Gwangju City, the 8th popularly elected city, established the ¡®Verification City Team¡¯ last year and established a unified administrative support system related to verification of innovative technology companies. In addition, we opened a one-stop support center for corporate verification, ¡ãsupporting public sector verification sites for stability and performance testing of corporate innovation technology, ¡ãpromoting customized support such as linking support projects from cities and related organizations related to corporate verification, ¡ãresolving social problems through verification of innovative technology. We are accelerating the construction of a ¡®test bed in Gwangju¡¯ to solve the problem.

To this end, Gwangju City signed a business agreement with 24 organizations, including cities, autonomous districts, offices of education, public corporations, public corporations, public institutions, universities, and hospitals, to declare Gwangju as a demonstration city and implement a test bed. Monitoring, etc. is in progress.

Meanwhile, the ¡®Policy Picnic¡¯, which is being promoted by the 8th popularly elected Gwangju City, is a direct communication channel chaired by the mayor that listens to various opinions from the field, such as citizens and experts, on major city administration issues and reflects them in policies. We are enhancing policy implementation capabilities based on vivid voices from the field covering topics such as welfare, safety, culture, art, environment, industry, and entrepreneurship.

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