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Jeonnam Governor Kim Young-rok seeks ways to establish a national medical school by looking at overseas success stories

Governor Kim, Canada's Northern Ontario School of Medicine jointly established two universities, benchmarked, strengthened social responsibility through local medical experience, resulted in 80% of graduates remaining... Jeonnam Province - Mokpo National University - Suncheon National University - Ontario College of Medicine, signed letter of intent for exchange

(Muan = Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-soo = South Jeolla Province Governor Kim Young-rok visited the Thunder Bay Campus of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM University) in Canada, which is evaluated as a successful example of establishing an overseas integrated medical school, benchmarked the university establishment and operation know-how, and promised exchanges and cooperation. did.

On the 15th (local time), Governor Kim Young-rok met with Mokpo National University President Song Ha-cheol and Suncheon National University Medical School Attraction Promotion Director Park Byeong-hee at the Thunder Bay Campus on the 15th (local time) with Northern Ontario School of Medicine President Sarita Verma and Vice-Dean William McCready to establish a Jeonnam-type medical school that meets local conditions. We shared opinions about the plan.

They agreed that the Northern Ontario School of Medicine case had significant implications for exploring ways to establish and operate a medical school in the Jeonnam region in the future. In addition, by signing a letter of intent for exchange, we decided to actively cooperate in practical exchanges in various fields to secure the right to health for local residents and solve local medical problems.

Jeonnam Province recognized that the medical reality in Northern Ontario, Canada, was similar to the situation in Jeollanam-do, paid attention to the local medical innovation achieved by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and visited the site this time to see the changes firsthand.

Northern Ontario, Canada, was a remote area with many medical services, but Lakehead University in western Ontario and Eastern Laurentian University, located over 1,000 km away, jointly established a medical school in 2002. So far, it has brought about groundbreaking changes in local public medicine, producing more than 800 doctors.

In particular, about 90% of medical school students come from northern Ontario, and social responsibility has been strengthened by allowing them to experience community medical issues throughout their education, from selection to education, practice, and placement. As a result, 80% of graduates are practicing medicine in the region, which has significant implications for Korea, where there is a serious outflow of medical personnel from the metropolitan area.

In his greeting, Governor Kim Young-rok said, ¡°The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is an exemplary case in which the university, the local community, and local residents, which are the focal point of the region, work together to overcome the poor medical conditions in medically underserved areas.¡± He added, ¡°Northern Ontario University, along with Mokpo University and Suncheon National University, in South Jeolla Province. He emphasized, ¡°We will benchmark the success stories of medical schools to solidify our will for cooperation between the two universities and explore in-depth ways to incorporate success factors to attract medical schools.¡±

Meanwhile, Jeonnam Province, along with the Pan-Province Promotion Committee, which consists of 333 provincial residents¡¯ representatives, is making every effort to ensure that the government¡¯s plan to expand the number of medical school students reflects the policy of ¡®establishing a new national medical university in Jeonnam Province¡¯ and the demand for a ¡®specific roadmap for the establishment of a new university.¡¯

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