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Jeonnam Governor Kim Young-rok, ¡°The first year of overcoming local extinction¡¦ ¡°Preparing for the next 100 years¡±

Jeonnam Province, New Year¡¯s Ceremony, pledges to start a new era of happiness in Jeollanam-do with the topic of ¡®Sangseon Mineral Water¡¯

(Muan = Break News) Reporter Hak-soo Lee = Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok announced his aspirations for the new year on the 2nd, saying, ¡°We will use the new year of Gapjin as the first year to overcome regional extinction with the Daedong spirit of living together, and make the next 100 years even more powerful.¡±

Governor Kim Young-rok made this statement at the opening ceremony held at the Provincial Office Wangin¡¯s office this morning, presenting Lao Tzu¡¯s ¡°Sangseon Yaksu (ß¾à¼å´â©),¡± which states, ¡°The best things are like water,¡± as the first topic of the new year. In the Year of the Blue Dragon, it means that in order to achieve success and achievement, we must have the water necessary for the Blue Dragon to ascend to the heavens, so let's take the 'Sangseon Yaksu' as a lesson and humble ourselves like water, unite, and make a powerful new start.

He continued, ¡°Last year, Jeonnam¡¯s name shined globally as the people of the province laid the foundation for a great leap forward with challenge, courage, and the indomitable ¡®Jeolla-do spirit.¡¯¡±

Last year, Jeollanam-do successfully held large-scale events such as the National Sports Festival, Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo, International Ink Biennale, International Agricultural Expo, International Namdo Food Culture Festival, and Kim Dae-jung Peace Conference. It achieved the designation of a national industrial complex for the space launch vehicle industry cluster, the creation of a data center cluster, the selection as a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Bio Campus, and the attraction of investment worth 21.6 trillion won. Suncheon National University's selection as a glocal university, Jeonnam Sarangae supporters exceeding 430,000, the 2024 provincial budget of 12.2 trillion won, and the national treasury budget of 9.07 trillion won, the largest ever, are also great results.

Governor Kim Young-rok emphasized, ¡°This year, based on these achievements, together with the residents, we will open an era of happiness in Jeollanam-do, where the world is paying attention and the number one shining local era, and where people are gathering.¡±

Jeonnam Province considers this year as the first year of overcoming the crisis of local extinction, establishes a Population and Youth Immigration Bureau, reviews a total of 100 million won in maternity support support for families giving birth to a third child or more, attracts the Immigration and Immigration Management Office, and promotes the supply of new Jeonnam-style 10,000-won houses. In addition, it was decided to develop the Sepung Industrial Complex publicly to become a hub of cutting-edge strategic industries, create a national industrial complex for future advanced materials in the Gwangyang Bay area, and create a Jeonnam Future Innovation Industry Fund worth 500 billion won to foster global unicorn companies.

In order to build a global southern coast tourism and cultural belt, we plan to pour all our efforts into preparing for a large-scale southern region tourism development project worth 1.3 trillion won, the 2025 Mokpo World Gourmet Industry Expo, and the 2026 Yeosu World Island Expo. In the agricultural, livestock and livestock industries, it was decided to focus on creating an artificial intelligence (AI) high-tech agricultural life valley, a youth rental smart complex, and a seaweed industry innovation cluster to innovate through big data and smartization.

It was decided to speed up the construction of the Gwangju-Yeongam Autobahn, Gwangju-Naju Metropolitan Railway, Jeolla High-Speed Railway, Gyeongjeon Line, and Yeosu-Namhae Undersea Tunnel, which are large-scale social overhead capital (SOC) that will become a new catalyst for regional development. The goal is to stand tall as a key axis of balanced development of the country by making every effort to designate opportunity development, educational development, and cultural special zones and to attract public institutions such as the National Agricultural and Fisheries Cooperative Federation. To create a warmer era of happiness in Jeollanam-do, we will significantly increase the number of jobs for the elderly to 64,000, provide voucher taxis for the disabled, increase the interest support rate for small business funds, etc., and provide support for maritime transportation costs for daily necessities in island regions, which are projects directly related to the lives of residents, all with government funds. Even though it has been cut, it continues to be supported through provincial funding.

Governor Kim Young-rok said, ¡°This year is a meaningful year as it marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Kim Dae-jung. ¡°President Kim Dae-jung is the president of the Republic of Korea who symbolizes democracy and human rights, and he devoted his entire life to a Daedong world where we all live well together,¡± he said. ¡°He engraved that spirit deeply in his heart and inherited it, and he said, ¡®If you act first, you can win.¡¯ He pledged, ¡°I will create an era of happiness in Jeollanam-do, a great leap forward to the world, armed heavily with the attitude of a strong man.¡±

Prior to the inaugural ceremony on this day, Governor Kim Young-rok visited the Mokpo Memorial Tower and Muan Kim Dae-jung Statue with the Provincial Office Director and other officials.

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