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Jeonnam Province, Trade Day¡¦ Export Tower and Jeonnam Province Export Awards presented

Received honors from 41 companies, including 33, including SeAH M&S 500 Million Dollar Tower... Governor Kim Young-rok, ¡°We support Jeollanam-do export companies to compete proudly in the world.¡±

(Muan = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = Jeonnam Province and the Gwangju-Jeonnam Regional Headquarters of the Korea International Trade Association celebrated the 60th Trade Day at Hotel Hyundai by Lahan Mokpo on the 12th and awarded the Jeonnam Export Tower to 41 companies, including SeAH M&S. and Jeonnam Province Export Award were presented.

The award ceremony was attended by more than 100 people, including South Jeolla Province Governor Kim Young-rok, Gwangju-Jeonnam Business Council President Choi Eun-mo, Korea International Trade Association Gwangju-Jeonnam Regional Headquarters Director Lee Dong-won, and Jeonnam Provincial Small and Medium Business Jobs and Economic Promotion Agency Director Lee Seong-hee. It was a meaningful event to encourage companies and those who received the Export Tower award in difficult economic conditions. It was held as an event.

There are a total of 33 companies receiving export tower awards in the Jeonnam region.

In addition to SeAH AM&S Co., Ltd. winning the $500 million export tower, Hyundai IFC Co., Ltd. won $70 million, Jeil Co., Ltd. won $50 million, SI Group Korea Co., Ltd., and Oil Hub Korea Yeosu Co., Ltd. won $30 million, and S.F.C. , Donga Steel Co., Ltd. $20 million, Yeosu Marine Co., Ltd. $10 million and Service Tower, Destin Power Co., Ltd., Il Industrial Co., Ltd., Samyoung B&F Co., Ltd., KS Compressor Co., Ltd., Chem Solution Co., Ltd. $7 million, and Hyunnong Co., Ltd., an agricultural corporation. Fresh, Sunil Products Co., Ltd., Haenong Co., Ltd. $5 million, Lavely Co., Ltd., Mogyang Technology Co., Ltd., Badamyeongga Co., Ltd., Seomjeonbok English Association Corporation, Eco World Farm, Onsegae Co., Ltd., Icheon Co., Ltd., and GS Korea Co., Ltd. $3 million, YC, Haeshin Co., Ltd., Management Fisheries Co., Ltd., a fishing company corporation, and Doife Co., Ltd. won the $2 million export tower, Araum Co., Ltd., Witco Co., Ltd., Geumha Co., Ltd., an agricultural corporation corporation, Yewon Co., Ltd., and Haemiro Co., Ltd. won the $1 million export tower. received.

Gwangsu, a farming cooperative, was honored with the 19th Jeonnam Province Export Award, given to companies that contributed to the expansion of Jeollanam-do exports.

The Excellence Award went to Scomtech Co., Ltd. and Yeollim Food Co., Ltd., and the Encouragement Award went to Kyunghyang Industry Co., Ltd., Daehan C&T Co., Ltd., Heungil Food Co., Ltd., Hangil Industry Co., Ltd., and DDC Co., Ltd.

Worker commendations were awarded to Gwangsu Export Director Joo-seon Yoon of the Agricultural Cooperative Corporation, Seung-jin Jeong, Deputy Manager of Haenong Co., Ltd., and Na Si-chan, Manager of Araum Co., Ltd.

There are 17 government award recipients. Yang Kuk-seok, CEO of Hyundai IFC, received the Bronze Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit, Kim Seon, head of Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., received the Iron Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit, and Kang Jong-chun, managing director of Samjin GF Co., Ltd., Kim Young-hwa, director of Daechang Food Co., Ltd., and Kim Dong-won, president of POSCO MC Materials, received the Industrial Service Merit. . The Prime Minister's commendation was received by Hwang Jae-ho, CEO of Hyde Hanifer Unisnack, and CEO of Marine Techno Co., Ltd.

In addition, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy's commendation went to Badamyeongga Co., Ltd., Jo Sang-seon, manager of Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kim Mi-sun, CEO of Araum Co., Ltd., Lee Jeong-min, CEO of F&D Co., Ltd., Lee Cheol, CEO of Low Carbon Co., Ltd., Namgung Young-jun, deputy director of Korea Creative Content Agency, and Uchida Toshi. Hito, CEO of Aoi Support, Choi Dong-oh, professor at Mokpo National University, and Pressello Gabriel Ignacio, director of the Korean Cultural Center in Argentina, received the commendation from the president of the Korea International Trade Association, and Kim Hak-gil, a customs broker at JW Customs Corporation, received the award.

Governor Kim Young-rok said, ¡°Even though the export environment was not good this year due to high interest rates, high inflation, and economic slowdown in major countries, Jeonnam exporters achieved excellent export performance through constant innovation and challenge.¡± He added, ¡°We participated in overseas fairs so that Jeonnam exporters could confidently compete on the world stage.¡± ¡°We will actively provide support, foster export companies, and pioneer new overseas markets,¡± he said.


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