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Gwangju ¡®Southwest Region Mega City Construction Debate¡¯

Gwangju Research Institute, New City Project Special Committee, and Korea Local Government Association jointly held... ¡°We must revive the Republic of Korea with a 3-axis mega city of Seoul-Gwangju-Busan¡± Mayor Kang Ki-jeong ¡°Regional extinction is a national disease... ¡°A break from the unipolar structure in the metropolitan area to a multipolar structure.¡±

(Gwangju = Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-soo = Gwangju Mayor Kang Ki-jeong said on the 4th, ¡°Regional extinction is a national disease, and there is no future for the Republic of Korea unless the one-pole structure of the metropolitan area is broken.¡± He added, ¡°Through the three-axis mega city of Seoul-Gwangju-Busan, ¡°We need to change the polar structure to a multipolar structure and increase the competitiveness of local cities so that Korea¡¯s dynamism can be revived,¡± he said.

As a strategy for this, a 'network city-centered megacity in the southwestern region' was proposed, which would increase the population using the city, grow surrounding cities, and build a connection and alliance system between cities. It is necessary to build a metropolitan transportation network and living economy zone centered on the five major urban areas (¡ãGwangju metropolitan area ¡ãJeonju metropolitan area ¡ãSaemangeum area ¡ãSouthwestern coastal area ¡ãGwangyang Bay area).

Mayor Kang made this announcement while attending the ¡®Southwest Region Mega City Construction Discussion and Preliminary Meeting¡¯ co-hosted by the Gwangju Research Institute, People Power New City Project Special Committee, and Korea Society of Local Government held at the Kimdaejung Convention Center this afternoon.

Mayor Kang said, ¡°We welcome the New City Project Special Committee¡¯s proposal for a three-axis mega city in Seoul-Gwangju-Busan.¡± He added, ¡°The recent issue of political circles¡¯ incorporation of Gimpo City into Seoul is an issue of expansion of Seoul¡¯s administrative district, which should be differentiated from a mega city, but was not able to do so. ¡°It was very unfortunate,¡± he pointed out.

Mayor Kang said, ¡°Just 60 years ago, the population of Honam and Yeongnam accounted for 56%, and the population of the metropolitan area was 21%, but now the population of the metropolitan area has fallen to 50%, Yeongnam to 14.9%, and Honam to 9.7%, and the youth population outflow is increasing. ¡°It is becoming more serious,¡± he said. ¡°From the Kim Dae-jung administration¡¯s era of local autonomy, the Roh Moo-hyun administration¡¯s balanced national development, the Moon Jae-in administration¡¯s trans-regional cooperation, and the Yoon Seok-yeol administration¡¯s regional era, the core of balanced national development policies is to change the unipolar structure of the metropolitan area to a multipolar structure and focus on regional development.¡± ¡°It is about increasing competitiveness,¡± he pointed out.

Mayor Kang said, ¡°Gwangju City is planning a mega city in the southwestern region centered on a network city,¡± adding, ¡°Transportation and economy will be widened in name and reality, centered around the five major metropolitan areas, including the Gwangju metropolitan area, Jeonju metropolitan area, Saemangeum area, southwest coast area, and Gwangyang Bay area.¡± ¡°I think that if it is developed into a mega city in the southwestern region, balanced development in the region will be well achieved,¡± he emphasized.

Mayor Kang concluded by saying, ¡°The four special zones announced by the President¡¯s Local Era Committee will be a very important thing to revitalize the local area and increase regional competitiveness.¡± Policies can succeed. ¡°I ask the party and government to look into it together,¡± he said.

This debate was prepared to discuss the construction of a mega city in the southwestern region, focusing on the three-axis mega city of Seoul-Gwangju-Busan, in relation to mega cities, which have recently emerged as an alternative to balanced national development and strengthening regional competitiveness.

Mayor Ki-jeong Kang, Cho Kyung-tae, chairman of the People Power Party New City Project Special Committee, National Assembly member Eun-hee Kwon, Kwang-seop Jeon, president of the Korean Society for Local Autonomy, and Chi-guk Choi, director of the Gwangju Research Institute, attended the debate.

Cho Kyeong-tae, chairman of the New City Project Special Committee, said, ¡°If Gwangju pours out its enormous energy through the Seoul-Gwangju-Busan three-axis mega city, it will become a powerful axis of the development of the Republic of Korea.¡± He added, ¡°Gwangju is a special city of culture, and Busan is a maritime city.¡± ¡°I have long thought that balanced development should be achieved in the same way as a special city,¡± he said.

Chairman Cho continued, ¡°Not only our country but also major foreign countries are competitively pursuing this as a huge urban community where transportation, economy, and culture are connected. ¡°In particular, there are success stories of Tokyo-Osaka-Nagoya in Japan,¡± he said. ¡°Let¡¯s make this concrete as soon as possible so that Gwangju can further grow and develop into a mega city and solve the population problem.¡±

At the debate on this day, Go Young-sam, a member of the New City Project Special Committee, emphasized the need for a 3-axis mega city through his presentation, ¡®Direction for building a 3-axis mega city for a new growth engine for the country.¡¯

Commissioner Go said, ¡°Concentration in the metropolitan area is already a very serious situation, and we must recognize the reality that now is our last chance,¡± and added, ¡°We must establish a second balanced development through mega cities of three axis regional hub cities with a population of about 5 million. . ¡°It should be done bottom-up but with a sense of speed, non-metropolitan areas should take the lead in setting goals and directions, and the committee should provide support through special laws,¡± he said.

Next, Hwang Seong-woong, a research fellow at the Gwangju Research Institute, presented the ¡®Southwest Region Mega City Construction Strategy¡¯ from the perspective of functional and economic integration. Researcher Hwang said, ¡°Over the past 50 years, the population of the southwestern region has decreased by 1.5 million people, and the straw effect due to megacities in other regions is intensifying,¡± and said, ¡°We will build a transnational and regional transportation network and strengthen the function of high-quality living services.¡± Proposals included the formation of a time-living community, an economic community to achieve zero net outflow of youth, and the recovery of regional identity centered on culture.

In the subsequent discussion involving experts from related academic societies and local researchers, various opinions were presented on the roles of politics, government, and the region in creating a successful mega city.

Gwangju City plans to actively reflect the various opinions presented at this debate in drawing a mega city blueprint.

In addition, through this debate, we plan to form a consensus among citizens through joint discussions between researchers from the three cities of Gwangju, Jeonnam, and Jeollabuk-do to share the vision of a mega city.


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