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Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Development Institute signed a business agreement with the Gwangju-Jeonnam branch of the Korean Red Cross

Conduct safety awareness improvement training, including first aid, for farmers

(Naju = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = Jeonnam Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services announced on the 6th that it signed a business agreement (photo) with the Gwangju-Jeonnam branch of the Korean Red Cross to provide first aid training and improve safety awareness for farmers in the province.

This agreement is intended to respond to various emergency situations that may occur due to the aging of rural areas and the increase in summer heat waves due to abnormal climate, and was prepared to minimize risk factors during agricultural work for farmers in the province.

With the signing of the agreement, the Gwangju-Jeonnam branch of the Korean Red Cross will provide CPR training to farmers recruited by the Agricultural Research and Extension Services, and the Agricultural Research and Extension Services will cooperate in supporting humanitarian activities such as support for the socially disadvantaged and support for relief activities in the event of a disaster.

This year, the Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services will provide customized training for 2,700 people in 96 training courses, including farmers, young CEOs, women, those scheduled to retire, and those returning to farming.

In particular, this agreement is expected to strengthen the ability to respond to various emergency situations in agricultural and rural areas.

Heo Jeong, Chairman of the Gwangju-Jeonnam Branch of the Korean Red Cross, said, ¡°The right to life and health are the basic rights of the 2 million residents of the province, including our farmers.¡± He added, ¡°At the Korean Red Cross level, together with the Agricultural Research and Extension Services, we will make various efforts to pass on a healthy and safe Jeollanam-do to our descendants.¡± He said.

Park Hong-jae, head of the Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, said, ¡°Agricultural work safety is very important in agricultural and rural fields, and rapid initial response must be made in the event of an emergency.¡± He added, ¡°Technological exchange with other cities and provinces while providing various information that is practically helpful to farmers.¡± In addition, we will strengthen cooperation in each field with various organizations such as universities, educational institutes, and transportation training institutes,¡± he said.

Meanwhile, according to data released by the office of Rep. Seo Sam-seok of the National Assembly's Agriculture and Fisheries Committee in October last year, the incidence of occupational diseases among farmers increased from 4.8% in 2018 to 5.3% in 2022, and the average accident rate over the past five years (2018 to 22) was 0.81%. It was found to be 1.37 times higher than the overall industrial accident rate average of 0.59%, indicating the need to prepare various measures for the safety of farmers.

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