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KEPCO KDN shares love through various social contribution activities to celebrate the Lunar New Year

KDN practices local coexistence by purchasing local products through voluntary fundraising by employees, donating donations, and donating blood.

(Naju = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = To celebrate the Lunar New Year, KEPCO KDN practiced sharing love by donating and donating blood to neighbors in need in the community.

KEPCO KDN recently held a blood donation event at its headquarters in Naju Innovation City to strengthen the supply of blood, and blood donations donated by participating employees will be used for pediatric cancer patients at the end of the year, an official said.

In addition, in order to help revitalize the local economy, we purchased agricultural products produced in the Gwangju and Jeonnam regions and donated them to two nearby facilities for the underprivileged, and on the 6th, we visited the Naju City Senior Welfare Center and performed volunteer work to help with food distribution.

In particular, fundraising for the purchase of local agricultural products, food distribution, and blood donation activities were carried out with the voluntary participation of KEPCO KDN employees, and were more meaningful as a public institution's activities for regional coexistence.

A KEPCO KDN official said, ¡°The volunteer work and donations that took place in celebration of the Lunar New Year were an opportunity to feel the value of practicing and sharing warm love,¡± and added, ¡°By growing together with the local community and actively carrying out activities for local development, public institutions are helping the people.¡± ¡°I will do my best to return the love I received from you,¡± he said.

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