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Jeonnam Province establishes a space industry cluster to become a global space powerhouse

Starting this year, the province will build a private launch site, core infrastructure, and launch vehicle technology commercialization center... Construction of a national space launch vehicle industrial complex for companies to move into is also in full swing.

(Muan = Break News) Reporter Haksu Lee = South Jeolla Province announced that it will foster a space launch vehicle industry cluster in Goheung, the only region in Korea that can respond to the demand for satellite launches in the public and private sectors, to realize the dream of Korea's space industry.

Naro Space Center located in Goheung succeeded in the second and third launches of Nuri in 2022 and in May last year. In the third round, Hanwha Aerospace, a private company, participated as a launch vehicle system company for the first time and raised the status of the Korean space industry by mounting a practical-grade satellite.

It boasted that it was the 7th space power in the world to launch a practical satellite on a space launch vehicle using purely domestic technology. Last year, Innospace, a private space startup company, succeeded in launching its independently developed test launch vehicle overseas.

Meanwhile, the government reflected ¡®leapfrogging into a space powerhouse and the opening of Korea¡¯s space age¡¯ in its national agenda and announced a plan to expand the territory of the space economy to Mars by 2045.

In December 2022, in order to foster the private-led space industry in earnest, it was decided to designate Goheung as a ¡®space industry cluster (launch vehicle specialized district)¡¯ and establish a triangular system with the Gyeongnam Satellite Specialized District and Daejeon Research and Human Resources Development Specialized District.

In August of last year, the preliminary exemption for the space industry cluster triangular system establishment project was confirmed, and a total budget of 616.1 billion won was secured for cluster establishment, and starting this year, the cluster foundation will be created. On the 9th of last month, a special law was passed to establish the Aerospace Administration, and it is scheduled to be officially launched in Sacheon at the end of May.

Accordingly, Jeonnam Province is establishing and promoting a plan worth KRW 1.6084 trillion by 2031 for 24 core tasks in 8 fields, including the construction of core infrastructure for private launch sites and the creation of a national space launch vehicle industrial complex, to create a space industry cluster. .

The private launch site infrastructure construction project included in the yet-to-be exemption project will invest 240.8 billion won from this year to 2031 to equip key facilities such as a launch site and assembly building for use by private companies and a launch vehicle technology commercialization center. It is expected that it will not only resolve difficulties faced by domestic companies but also open a new domestic commercial launch service market.

In order to integrate space launch vehicle parts and manufacturing companies, forward and backward related companies, and research institutes, the project to create the ¡®Goheung Space Launch Vehicle National Industrial Complex¡¯, which was designated as a candidate site in March of last year, is also being promoted. At the end of last year, we signed an occupancy agreement with leading launch vehicle companies such as anchor companies Hanwha Aerospace, Innospace, and Unastella, and plan to attract about 100 companies by putting all our effort into attracting companies through briefing sessions on national industrial complexes in the metropolitan area.

In order to increase the public's interest and acceptance of space and attract tourists, a space launch vehicle science complex will be created, like the Kennedy Space Center in the United States, to display space history museums, space experiences, and achievements such as space launch vehicles and satellites. We are also seeking to attract space resorts to connect research personnel, provide convenience to tourists, and revitalize the local economy.

In order to foster residential talent needed by companies, we will also build a joint convergence campus in collaboration with universities that utilizes rich educational content, infrastructure, and professional manpower.

If the Jeonnam space launch vehicle cluster is established without a hitch, it is expected to have a production inducing effect of KRW 2.666 trillion, an added value inducing effect of KRW 1.138 trillion, and an employment inducing effect of 20,785 people, greatly contributing to revitalizing the local economy. am.

In order to maximize economic effects, South Jeolla Province and Goheung-gun are actively working to expand transportation facilities, such as building a highway between Gwangju and Naro Space Center and a railroad between Boseong (Beolgyo) and Goheung.

Cho Jae-woong, head of the Jeollanam-do New Growth Industry Division, said, ¡°The creation of a space launch vehicle cluster is a core industry that not only strengthens the global competitiveness of the national space industry, but also takes responsibility for providing food for the next 100 years of Jeollanam-do and responds to local extinction.¡± He added, ¡°Private launch vehicle companies can freely use launch vehicles at any time.¡± ¡°We will integrate innovative space development infrastructure from industry, academia, research, and government around the Goheung Naro Space Center to enable launch,¡± he said.




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